Online Registration




Important dates for Online Registration/Application 2024

PH.D IN COMMERCE - 1Starts from 05/11/2022 5:00PM to 31/12/2022 11:59PM
MASTER OF COMMERCE - 1Starts from 27/05/2023 12:04AM to 15/09/2023 12:02PM
FYBSC ITStarts from 27/05/2023 12:04AM to 15/10/2023 12:02PM
FYBSC CSStarts from 27/05/2023 12:04AM to 15/10/2023 12:02PM
FYBMSStarts from 27/05/2023 12:04AM to 15/10/2023 12:02PM
FYBCOM (ACTUARIAL STUDIES)Starts from 27/05/2023 12:04AM to 15/10/2023 12:02PM
FYBCOMStarts from 27/05/2023 12:04AM to 15/09/2023 12:02PM
FYBAMMCStarts from 27/05/2023 12:04AM to 15/10/2023 12:02PM
FYBAFStarts from 27/05/2023 12:04AM to 15/10/2023 12:02PM

Important dates for Online Registration/Application 2024

PH.D IN COMMERCE - 1Start from 05/11/2022 5:00PM to 31/12/2022 11:59PM
MASTER OF COMMERCE - 1Start from 27/05/2023 12:04AM to 15/09/2023 12:02PM
FYBSC ITStart from 27/05/2023 12:04AM to 15/10/2023 12:02PM
FYBSC CSStart from 27/05/2023 12:04AM to 15/10/2023 12:02PM
FYBMSStart from 27/05/2023 12:04AM to 15/10/2023 12:02PM
FYBCOM (ACTUARIAL STUDIES)Start from 27/05/2023 12:04AM to 15/10/2023 12:02PM
FYBCOMStart from 27/05/2023 12:04AM to 15/09/2023 12:02PM
FYBAMMCStart from 27/05/2023 12:04AM to 15/10/2023 12:02PM
FYBAFStart from 27/05/2023 12:04AM to 15/10/2023 12:02PM