Fresh Application are Invited as per Notice uploaded on




Important dates for Online Registration/Application 2025

MCOM (B&F) - 1Starts from 23/05/2024 12:04AM to 26/08/2024 7:00PM
MCOM (ACCOUNTANCY) - 1Starts from 01/07/2024 12:04AM to 28/02/2025 11:55PM
MA (PSYCHOLOGY WITH CLINICAL SPECIALIZATION) - 1Starts from 03/06/2024 12:04AM to 19/07/2024 3:00PM
FYBSC IT SEM - I (NEP)Starts from 05/02/2025 12:00PM to 05/02/2025 2:05PM
FYBFM SEM - I (NEP)Starts from 05/02/2025 12:00PM to 05/02/2025 2:05PM
FYBCOM SEM - I (NEP)Starts from 05/02/2025 12:00PM to 05/02/2025 2:05PM
FYBCOM (MANAGEMENT STUDIES) SEM - I (NEP)Starts from 05/02/2025 12:00PM to 05/02/2025 2:05PM
FYBBI SEM - I (NEP)Starts from 05/02/2025 12:00PM to 05/02/2025 2:05PM
FYBAMMC SEM - I (NEP)Starts from 05/02/2025 12:00PM to 05/02/2025 2:05PM
FYBAF SEM - I (NEP)Starts from 17/03/2025 12:04AM to 19/03/2025 12:02PM
FYBA SEM - I (NEP)Starts from 17/03/2025 12:04AM to 19/03/2025 12:02PM

Important dates for Online Registration/Application 2025

MCOM (B&F) - 1Start from 23/05/2024 12:04AM to 26/08/2024 7:00PM
MCOM (ACCOUNTANCY) - 1Start from 01/07/2024 12:04AM to 28/02/2025 11:55PM
MA (PSYCHOLOGY WITH CLINICAL SPECIALIZATION) - 1Start from 03/06/2024 12:04AM to 19/07/2024 3:00PM
FYBSC IT SEM - I (NEP)Start from 05/02/2025 12:00PM to 05/02/2025 2:05PM
FYBFM SEM - I (NEP)Start from 05/02/2025 12:00PM to 05/02/2025 2:05PM
FYBCOM SEM - I (NEP)Start from 05/02/2025 12:00PM to 05/02/2025 2:05PM
FYBCOM (MANAGEMENT STUDIES) SEM - I (NEP)Start from 05/02/2025 12:00PM to 05/02/2025 2:05PM
FYBBI SEM - I (NEP)Start from 05/02/2025 12:00PM to 05/02/2025 2:05PM
FYBAMMC SEM - I (NEP)Start from 05/02/2025 12:00PM to 05/02/2025 2:05PM
FYBAF SEM - I (NEP)Start from 17/03/2025 12:04AM to 19/03/2025 12:02PM
FYBA SEM - I (NEP)Start from 17/03/2025 12:04AM to 19/03/2025 12:02PM
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