XI SCI FISHERYStarts from 27/05/2024 12:04AM to 27/05/2024 12:02PM
XI SCIStarts from 27/05/2024 12:04AM to 27/10/2024 12:02PM
XI HSC FPTStarts from 27/05/2024 12:04AM to 27/05/2024 12:02PM
XI HSC AC&OMStarts from 27/05/2024 12:04AM to 27/05/2024 12:02PM
XI COMStarts from 27/05/2024 12:04AM to 18/06/2024 12:02PM
XI ARTSStarts from 27/05/2024 12:04AM to 27/05/2024 12:02PM
MA SOC I SEM IStarts from 18/06/2024 9:00PM to 31/10/2024 6:30PM
MA SAN I SEM IStarts from 18/06/2024 9:00PM to 31/10/2024 6:30PM
MA PSY I SEM IStarts from 18/06/2024 9:00PM to 31/10/2024 6:30PM
MA POL SCI I SEM IStarts from 18/06/2024 9:00PM to 31/10/2024 6:30PM
MA PHI I SEM IStarts from 18/06/2024 9:00PM to 31/10/2024 6:30PM
MA MUS I SEM IStarts from 18/06/2024 9:00PM to 31/10/2024 6:30PM
MA MAR I SEM IStarts from 18/06/2024 9:00PM to 31/10/2024 6:30PM
MA H. ECO I SEM IStarts from 18/06/2024 9:00PM to 31/10/2024 6:30PM
MA ENG I SEM IStarts from 18/06/2024 9:00PM to 31/10/2024 6:30PM
MA ECO I SEM IStarts from 18/06/2024 12:04AM to 30/10/2024 12:02PM
M.SC (HD) I SEM IStarts from 18/06/2024 12:01AM to 25/10/2024 11:59PM
M.SC (FN) I SEM IStarts from 18/06/2024 12:01AM to 31/08/2024 3:18PM
M.SC (CS) I SEM IStarts from 18/06/2024 12:04AM to 30/09/2024 12:02PM
M.COM I SEM IStarts from 12/06/2024 12:04AM to 03/10/2024 2:10PM
DIPLOMA IN FASHIONStarts from 13/06/2024 12:01AM to 30/03/2025 11:59PM
CERTIFICATE IN FD - 1Starts from 13/06/2024 12:01AM to 30/03/2025 11:59PM
BCA I SEM IStarts from 29/09/2024 12:04AM to 31/10/2024 12:02PM
BBA I SEM IStarts from 29/09/2024 12:02AM to 31/10/2024 11:58PM
B.SC HS NEP - 1Starts from 12/06/2024 12:04AM to 18/06/2024 12:02PM
B.COM (NEP) SEM 1Starts from 12/06/2024 12:04AM to 18/06/2024 12:02PM
B.A. NEP - 1Starts from 12/06/2024 12:04AM to 18/06/2024 12:02PM
ADV DIPLOMA IN FASHION DESIGNINGStarts from 13/06/2024 12:04AM to 30/03/2025 11:59PM