RTIStarts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
POLITICALStarts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
MARATHIStarts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
M.COM SEM 3Starts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
M.COM SEM 1Starts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
M.A.(POL) SEM 3Starts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
M.A.(POL) SEM 1Starts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
M.A.(MAR) SEM 3Starts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
M.A.(MAR) SEM 1Starts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
M.A.(HIS) SEM 3Starts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
M.A.(HIS) SEM 1Starts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
M.A.(ENG) SEM 3Starts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
M.A.(ENG) SEM 1Starts from 19/09/2024 12:04AM to 19/09/2024 12:02PM
M.A.(ECO) SEM 3Starts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
M.A.(ECO) SEM 1Starts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
HISTORYStarts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
COMMERCEStarts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
B.SC. SEM 5Starts from 17/09/2024 1:03PM to 17/09/2024 5:45PM
B.SC. SEM 3Starts from 17/09/2024 1:03PM to 17/09/2024 5:45PM
B.SC. NEP - 1Starts from 17/09/2024 1:03PM to 17/09/2024 5:45PM
B.COM. SEM 5Starts from 17/09/2024 1:03PM to 17/09/2024 5:45PM
B.COM. SEM 3Starts from 17/09/2024 1:03PM to 17/09/2024 5:45PM
B.COM. NEP - 1Starts from 17/09/2024 1:03PM to 17/09/2024 5:45PM
B.A.(NG) SEM 5Starts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
B.A.(NG) SEM 3Starts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
B.A.(NG) SEM 1Starts from 17/09/2024 12:02PM to 17/09/2024 4:05PM
B.A.(NG) NEP - 8Starts from 17/09/2024 1:03PM to 17/09/2024 5:45PM
B.A.(NG) NEP - 7Starts from 17/09/2024 1:03PM to 17/09/2024 5:45PM
B.A.(NG) NEP - 6Starts from 17/09/2024 1:03PM to 17/09/2024 5:45PM
B.A.(NG) NEP - 5Starts from 17/09/2024 1:03PM to 17/09/2024 5:45PM
B.A.(NG) NEP - 4Starts from 17/09/2024 1:03PM to 17/09/2024 5:45PM
B.A.(NG) NEP - 3Starts from 17/09/2024 1:03PM to 17/09/2024 5:45PM
B.A.(NG) NEP - 2Starts from 17/09/2024 1:03PM to 17/09/2024 5:45PM
B.A.(NG) NEP - 1Starts from 17/09/2024 1:03PM to 17/09/2024 5:45PM
B.A. SEM 5Starts from 17/09/2024 1:03PM to 17/09/2024 5:45PM
B.A. SEM 3Starts from 17/09/2024 1:03PM to 17/09/2024 5:45PM
B.A. NEP - 1Starts from 17/09/2024 1:03PM to 17/09/2024 5:45PM